There are so many ways that people can work together to bring Havening to a much wider audience, here are a few examples.
To date collaborations have worked well with NLP, Coaching, focus on Schools, Colleges, Young People, Prison Offender Management, combining with Experiential Conflict Management and Self Defence.
If you have an idea please get in touch!
MAX trained Practitioners get to meet up free of charge and ask any questions about Havening:
The Zoom Room is always Mark Wingfield's Personal Room which as a MAX trained Practitioner you will have used for the training, please refer to previous correspondence for the password - the room itself is 510625922.
Current dates: all times are UK - please check
Time Buddy for your local time.
February: Wednesday 5th 8pm; Wednesday 26th 5pm
March: Wednesday 12th 8pm
April: Thursday 3rd 5pm; Wednesday 23rd 8pm
May: Friday 9th 5pm; Wednesday 21st 8pm
June: Wednesday 4th 5pm; Wednesday 18th 8pm
July: Wednesday 9th 5pm; Wednesday 23rd 8pm
August: Wednesday 6th 5pm; Wednesday 20th 8pm
September: Wednesday 3rd 5pm; Wednesday 17th 8pm
October: Wednesday 8th 5pm; Wednesday 22nd 8pm
November: Wednesday 5th 5pm; Wednesday 19th 8pm
December: Wednesday 17th 8pm
An Introduction to Havening - Online
Just 1 hr long &
FREE What is Havening?, Demo, the Neuroscience & learn how to Self Haven
Havening Practitioner Training
1:1 Therapy/Consultation/Coaching
Energising & Motivational Mental Health & Wellbeing Talks
Download Soothing Digital Havening
Mental Health First Aid Training+
Effective Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP)